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Sheet Pile & Revetment – Menauhant Yacht Club – East Falmouth

LOCATION: Menauhant Yacht Club – East Falmouth COMPLETION DATE: February 2025 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This waterfront infrastructure project was a multifaceted use of equipment and crew skills.  Steel sheet piling was used in this setting due to its strength and loadbearing capacity. Stones were placed in front of the wall to reduce erosion’s impact. This project …

Sheet Pile & Revetment – Menauhant Yacht Club – East Falmouth Read More »

West Dennis – Roadside Bulkhead

This roadside property was improved by inserting a new vinyl sheet bulkhead and greenheart pilings for protection against erosion. This gives the owner additional land and the potential to install a permanent dock and a stabilized bank for dredging in the future.

Indian Trail Bulkhead Replacement

Our construction crews completed this Indian Point bulkhead replacement of an existing timber bulkhead with a new flat panel vinyl bulkhead. All work was completed with access from the upland of the owner’s property and created additional permanent access for future beach nourishment and maintenance projects.

Chatham Yacht Basin – Marina Bulkhead

Beacon Marine Construction was hired to construct a new bulkhead at the Chatham Yacht Basin. This work was performed by leaving the existing bulkhead in place and constructing a new vinyl bulkhead in front of the failing timber bulkhead. This was done without disturbance to the marina facilities, and all work was completed with equipment staged in the upland.

Waterfront Restoration Project – Crosby Yacht Yard

Beacon Marine Construction performed a major redevelopment of an area at the historical Crosby Yacht Yard. This area was once used as a Navy repair yard and had remnants of many old marine structures throughout the project area. The project area was cleaned of the old debris, and a new bulkhead was constructed to allow for boat launching with a marine forklift. Additionally, a large pile supported timber deck was constructed that can be used for boat storage, or an event facility.

Yarmouth Vinyl Sheet Pile Bulkhead

Our construction crews replaced an old, crumbling concrete wall with a new vinyl sheet piling bulkhead. Vinyl sheet piling is known to have a long service life and is corrosion resistant. This project will reduce the impacts of extreme weather and tides extending the useful life of this building and family property on Lewis Bay.

Seaview Ave Project – Piers and Bulkhead

Our construction crews replaced the old wooden bulkhead with flat panel sheets designed with a textured finish to look like a traditional timber seawall. Both Piers were re-done on this amazing waterfront property to cap off a total refit of water access.

Bulkhead Progress & Completion

New bulkhead and embankment stair installation. First we had to build access down a steep bank, create a stable working area, and remove an old stone and concrete wall. Once the site was prepped we installed the new wall which included helical tiebacks, backfilled and graded the bank and finished with a brand new embankment stair set. All work was completed by Beacon Marine’s talented team. 

Bulkhead Upgrade

This project highlights a new vinyl bulkhead installation over in Cotuit. The wall is over 180’ long and made up of  ShoreGuard vinyl sheet-piling, and Chance helical tie back anchors. After the new wall was installed and all the fastening complete, the wall was backfilled with over 150 cubic yard of clean compatible fill material to re-nourish the heavily eroded embankment. All wall construction mobilization and installation had to be done by water, however, all of the new fill material was brought in from the upland side of this project and installed using a chute system. This was done to confirm there would be no further disturbance of the embankment.

Marina Pier and Bulkhead Upgrades

Location: Osterville, MA

Completion Date: May, 2017

Project Details: Beacon Marine Construction was hired to perform the work at a local marina in Osterville. We worked closely with the engineer and owner throughout the entire design process to come up with a solution that fit the customer’s needs. The new vinyl bulkhead was installed in a spot that was previously a stone revetment. The work consisted of removing the stone revetment, selective demolition of finger piers, and installation of a new vinyl wall and piers. The new wall  was tied into an existing steel sheetpile wall and required the reconstruction of the finger piers. The sheathing was driven using a vibratory hammer. Deadman were set to add additional load capacity to accommodate cars being parked near the edge of the wall. The project was an overall success and we were able to have the marina ready for he 2017 boating season. 

Timber Bulkhead – Centerville

LOCATION: Centerville, Cape Cod, MA


DESCRIPTION: Construction of a 380′ timber bulkhead on the Centerville River. The project required working closely with the homeowner and landscape construction company to coordinate delivery of materials and equipment in tight quarters. The owner originally contracted a limited scope, but were so happy with the installation of the wall that they decided to build the wall to the full extent of their permit. The end result was a beautiful wall that was a valuable addition to the property.

Timber Bulkhead Little Island, Osterville

Location: North Bay, Osterville, MA

Completion date: April 2016

Details: Construction of a timber bulkhead stretched approximately 220 ft. along the beach at a private residence in Osterville. The bulkhead was tied into a stone wall at one side of the property and a neighboring timber bulkhead on the other side. Tight access through the yard required high tide delivery of materials and equipment. The client was pleased with the finished product as well as the quick construction timeline.

Vinyl Bulkhead / Seawall Centerville River

Location: Craigville, MA

Project Completion: February, 2016

Details: Installation of a new vinyl bulkhead on the Centerville River. Removal and disposal of existing stone bulkhead. The new bulkhead consisted of approximately 130′ of vinyl sheet piling supported by 12″ timber piling. The cap on the bulkhead was built using AZEK matching the ramps and floats at the property. The original stone wall was removed revealing another stone wall that had been buried. Working from the barge, Beacon’s crew had to remove approximately 200 tons of material before we could begin driving the piling.

New Timber Bulkhead Eel River, Osterville

Location: Osterville, MA
Project Completion: January 2016
Details: Installation of an approximately 305+ ft. timber bulkhead to combat erosion at the base of a slope. There was an existing bulkhead in the middle of the site to which the new structure was tied into. Site access was difficult. All equipment and materials were mobilized by barges and work skiffs. Beacon Marine has built dozens of seawalls similar to this using both timber and vinyl sheeting throughout Cape Cod.