Stone Revetment Reconstruction, Stair Access & Beach Nourishment

LOCATION: Osterville


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project was a complete rebuild of an existing stone revetment of a private residence. The failing stone revetment was disassembled and reconstructed with
185 feet of 500-1000 pound stones. The whole beach area was fortified with large quantity of beach nourishment to fill in between the groin and the adjacent groin of an abutting property. Lastly, a timber staircase with a platform was constructed to access the beach.

This project sits adjacent to a property where we did similar work.  The continuity of the stone revetments protect the properties from future erosion due to harsh ocean activity.  From the water,  the revetments are seamless and esthetically appealing.

The Before:  Sea Wall – Revetment, Beach, and Stairs

The After